10 Motivation Tips To Clean Your Home Right Now!

Not every day you can feel like cleaning, whether you are drained after a long day or simply aren’t in the mood for housework. However, after some time, it gets pretty overwhelming to see a messy home, and finding the motivation to clean becomes even more challenging.

But don’t worry; the first push might be all you need. Here are ten tips to help you get back on your feet with a broom in hand!

Tip #1: Find your reason for cleaning

Are you cleaning your house for a friend or relative visiting? Are you having a party? Looking to impress someone with a tidy home is reason enough to start cleaning. However, if you’re doing it for yourself, even better.

Tip #2: Start small

Going big might sound appealing, but the feeling of achieving several small chores will always beat the dread of leaving a huge task unfinished. Avoid damaging your motivation and clean small areas first.

Tip #3: Focus on one thing at a time

Jumping from one task to the other is never a good idea. It might look like progress tackling every chore, but you’d risk leaving them undone. As small as the task is, finish it before heading to the next.

Tip #4: Reward yourself

After a couple of finished chores, treat yourself. Whether with some time off or a snack, you’ll feel the achievement more satisfying by rewarding yourself, and you will look forward to these breaks.

Tip #5: Use the momentum to tackle bigger challenges

Everybody loves the feeling of being on a roll, so use this momentum to tackle the next challenge. Remember to keep expectations grounded so you won’t disappoint yourself if you get too ambitious.

Tip #6: It’s OK to ask for help

You don’t have to be alone during these tasks, and teaming up is always good to cheer up and share a moment with people you care about. Call some friends or family members to help with the chores. 

Tip #7: Make cleaning fun

Do you have the latest episode of your favorite podcast ready to listen to? Use this chance to put on some headphones while cleaning. Or, if you need some tunes, arrange a playlist with upbeat music.

Tip #8: Time your efforts

Going against the clock adds excitement to the task. Measure your effort and improve your techniques by setting a timer; you’ll see how much you can clean in 15-20 minutes bursts.

Tip #9: Look at videos of decluttering pros

Whether it’s from decluttering superstar Marie Kondo or homeowners like you, any inspiration is more than welcome. Check videos of people decluttering their homes to get you pumped.

Tip #10: Take pictures of your progress

Making a visual log is an excellent form of tracking your progress, and with how easy it is to take pics nowadays, you can document the journey. Take a pic before and after you clean and see the transformation.

Why not hire professional cleaners instead?

Even if you’re motivated, sometimes it’s hard to clean while having a busy schedule. Luckily, you can count on the services of the best cleaners in Chicagoland. Book with House Keep-Up today.

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