Proudly serving chicagoland area
From Des Plaines to Oak Loan, we provide cleaning services to most of the Chicago Metropolitan Area. If you aren’t sure if we cover your area, please give us a call.
Areas We Serve in Chicago City
- Albany Park
- Altgeld Gardens
- Andersonville
- Archer Heights
- Armour Square
- Ashburn
- Ashburn Estates
- Avalon Park
- Avondale
- Avondale Gardens Gardens
- Back of the Yards
- Belmont Central
- Belmont Gardens
- Belmont Heights
- Beverly
- Beverly Woods
- Big Oaks
- Bowmanville
- Boystown
- Brainerd
- Brickyard
- Brighton Park
- Bronzeville
- Bucktown
- Budlong Woods
- Buena Park
- Burnside
- Cabrini–Green
- Calumet Heights
- Canaryville
- Central Station
- Chatham
- Chicago Lawn
- Chinatown
- Chrysler Village
- Clarendon Park
- Cragins
- Crestline
- Dearborn Homes
- Dearborn Park
- Douglas Park
- East Beverly
- East Chatham
- East Garfield Park
- East Hyde Park
- East Side
- East Village
- Edgebrook
- Edgewater Beach
- Edgewater
- Englewood
- Fernwood
- Fifth City
- Ford City
- Forest Glen
- Fuller Park
- Galewood
- Garfield Ridge
- Gladstone Park
- Gold Coast
- Golden Gate
- Goose Island
- Graceland West
- Grand Boulevard
- Grand Crossing
- Greater Grand Crossing
- Greektown
- Gresham
- Groveland Park
- Hamilton Park
- Hanson Park
- Heart of Chicago
- Hegewisch
- Hermosa
- Hollywood Park
- Homan Square
- Humboldt Park
- Hyde Park
- Illinois Medical District
- Irving Park
- Irving Woods
- Jackowo
- Jackson Park Highlands
- Jefferson Park
- K-Town
- Kelvyn Park
- Kennedy Park
- Kensington
- Kenwood
- Kilbourn Park
- Kosciuszko Park
- Lake Meadows
- Lake View
- Lake View East
- Lakewood / Balmoral
- LeClaire Courts
- Legends South
- Lilydale
- Lincoln Park
- Lincoln Square
- Lithuanian Plaza
- Little Italy
- Little Village
- Logan Square
- Loyola
- Magnificent Mile
- Margate Park
- Marquette Park
- Marshall Square
- Marynook
- Mayfair
- McKinley Park
- Merchant Park
- Montclare
- Morgan Park
- Mount Greenwood
- Museum Campus
- Near North Side
- Near West Side
- New Chinatown
- New City
- New Eastside
- Noble Square
- North Austin
- North Center
- North Halsted
- North Kenwood
- North Lawndale
- North Mayfair
- North Park
- Nortown
- Norwood Park East
- Norwood Park West
- O’Hare
- Oakland
- Old Edgebrook
- Old Irving Park
- Old Norwood
- Old Town
- Old Town Triangle
- Oriole Park
- Palmer Square
- Park Manor
- Park West
- Parkview
- Peterson Park
- Pill Hill
- Pilsen
- Polish Downtown
- Prairie Avenue Historic District
- Prairie Shores
- Princeton Park
- Printer’s Row
- Pulaski Park
- Pullman
- Ranch Triangle
- Ravenswood
- Ravenswood Gardens
- Ravenswood Manor
- River North
- River’s Edge
- Riverdale
- Rogers Park
- Roscoe Village
- Rosehill
- Roseland
- Rosemoor
- Saint Ben’s
- Sauganash
- Schorsch Forest View
- Schorsch Village
- Scottsdale
- Sheffield Neighbors
- Sheridan Park
- Sheridan Station Corridor
- Sleepy Hollow
- South Austin
- South Chicago
- South Commons
- South Deering
- South East Ravenswood
- South Edgebrook
- South Lawndale
- South Loop
- South Shore
- Stateway Gardens
- Stony Island Park
- Streeterville
- Talley’s Corner
- The Gap
- The Loop
- The Villa
- Tri-Taylor
- Ukrainian Village
- Union Ridge
- University Village
- Uptown
- Vittum Park
- Wacławowo
- Washington Heights
- Washington Park
- Wentworth Gardens
- West Beverly
- West Chatham
- West Chesterfield
- West DePaul
- West Elsdon
- West Englewood
- West Garfield Park
- West Humboldt Park
- West Lakeview
- West Lawn
- West Loop
- West Morgan Park
- West Pullman
- West Ridge
- West Rogers Park
- West Town
- Wicker Park
- Wildwood
- Woodlawn
- Wrightwood
- Wrightwood Neighbors
- Wrigleyville
How Does It Work?
With our simple online booking system, getting your house cleaned is as easy as 1-2-3.
Instant Booking or Free Estimate
Get real-time availability! Book in just seconds or get a free quote.
Confirm Your Cleaning
A verified professional is scheduled and a clean home is on the way! Enjoy our upkeep afterwards at a lower rate.
Easy Secure Payment
No contracts or hidden fees. Pay as you go with hassle free, secure payments.
The Best Maid Service in CHICAGO
House Keep Up was founded in Chicago, IL after seeing local cleaners near me not pushing forward with technology. Owner decided to seek a stable model that mainly focuses on utilizing technology to allow easier booking and better cleaning.
We utilize online booking to ease communication between us you and the cleaners. We guarantee our services due to personal vetting and utilizing feedback system to listen to our customers.
All of above is possible because of our great cleaners. We are proud to provide them with fair compensation for their work and 100% of their tips belongs to them. Most of our technicians remain with company and work independently to improve on an ongoing basis.
House Keep Up seeks to become more popular and want to offer housekeeping services in as many areas as possible.
To schedule a cleaning, click here and you will be taken to our booking page.